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Black Soldier Fly And The UK Brewing Industry

Executive Summary:

This comprehensive report delves into the potential of integrating Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) production into the UK brewing industry, offering an analysis of how this innovative approach can significantly enhance both environmental and economic sustainability. By addressing the challenges posed by brewing waste, particularly brewers' spent grain (BSG) and brewers' yeast, this report shows the multifaceted benefits that BSFL can bring to the brewing sector.


The UK brewing industry confronts pressing challenges in managing its waste, necessitating a paradigm shift towards more sustainable practices. This report examines the current waste scenario, delving into the environmental impact of traditional disposal methods and presenting the potential of BSFL integration as a revolutionary solution for waste utilisation in brewing.

Current Waste Scenario:

Brewers' spent grain (BSG), as the predominant waste by volume in brewing, poses a critical challenge for the industry. 70% of BSG produced in the UK gets utilised in ruminant feed, BSG's high microbial load and limited shelf life have hindered its value, leading to 10% of BSG being used for biogas production and 20% of it being directed to landfills and emitting over 500 kg CO2 equivalent per ton. Brewers' yeast, another substantial byproduct, undergoes inefficient disposal through wastewater treatment, compounding environmental concerns and resource utilisation inefficiencies.

Wastewater and Brewers Yeast Disposal:

The prevalent practice of combining brewers yeast with wastewater not only contributes to resource wastage but also results in the emission of 83 kg CO2 equivalent per ton of treated waste. This raises critical environmental concerns and highlights the urgency for a more sustainable and efficient waste management approach within the brewing industry.

BSFL Integration:

Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) production emerges as a comprehensive and transformative solution for breweries. By converting BSG and brewers yeast into high-value protein, BSFL technology offers breweries a sustainable outlet for their waste. This approach ensures rapid and effective waste utilization, transforming what was once deemed a disposal challenge into a valuable commodity at the end of the process.

Environmental and Economic Benefits:

The integration of BSFL technology not only resolves the challenge of managing brewing waste but also introduces economic and environmental advantages. Breweries can now monetise their waste, with the potential to save up to 513 kg CO2 per ton on landfilled co-products. This shift not only enhances the economic sustainability of breweries but also contributes significantly to a greener and more environmentally conscious brewing industry in the UK.

BrewDog's 'Lost' beer. An example of changing consumer demand towards beer.


In conclusion, the symbiotic relationship between BSFL production and the UK brewing industry holds immense promise for positive and lasting impact. The adoption of BSFL technology represents a strategic and forward-thinking approach that efficiently manages brewing waste while simultaneously elevating it to the status of a valuable resource. This paradigm shift aligns seamlessly with the principles of sustainability, offering economic benefits to breweries while fostering a greener and more environmentally conscious brewing landscape in the UK. The report underscores the urgent need for widespread adoption of BSFL technology, not merely as a solution to waste management challenges but as a catalyst for a sustainable future in the brewing industry. Futher practical research should be conducted on-site UK brewery.

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